We are a global sourcing company that focuses on international shipping from our extensive warehouse network. To guarantee prompt delivery, we will dispatch your order from the nearest warehouse of the responsible supplier in your region. If the requested product is unavailable at that location, we will quickly transfer it to another warehouse for shipment. As a result, your orders may come from various countries. We appreciate your inquiry and understanding.
Rest assured, our dedicated team conducts comprehensive inspections of all products prior to shipment to ensure the highest quality standards. We are committed to providing you with an exceptional experience.
How Can I Track My Order?
After your order is shipped, we will send you a Shipping Confirmation Email containing your Tracking Number. To check your package's status, simply click the link, which will take you to the appropriate shipping provider's website. You can use the tracking code from the email to follow your package's journey.
Total Delivery Time
Our goal is to offer you the best shipping options, no matter where you live. Every day, we deliver to hundreds of customers across the world, ensuring that we provide the highest levels of responsiveness to you at all times.
The time frame for order delivery is divided into two parts:
- Processing time: 1-3 business days
- Shipping time: 5-12 business days
(a) Processing Time refers to the duration needed to prepare your order for shipment from our warehouses. This typically takes 1-3 business days and includes item preparation, quality checks, and packaging. The processing time will be displayed on the product detail page after you select your size, color, and other options.
(b) Shipping Time is the period it takes for your package to reach your delivery address once it has been shipped. This usually ranges from 5 to 12 days.
Additional Fee/Custom Duties
In certain situations, your destination country may impose VAT (Value Added Tax), other taxes, customs duties, and/or fees. The recipient is responsible for these additional charges related to taxes or customs clearance. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide an estimate for these costs, as customs and taxation regulations differ significantly between countries. For more information, please reach out to your local customs office or check their official website.
Shipping Fee
We will charge different shipping fees for different countries. The shipping fees listed below apply to the following countries:
For packages below 2kg, the detailed shipping fees are outlined below.
0-0.049kg | 3.08 USD |
0.05-0.099kg | 3.94 USD |
0.1-0.149kg | 4.6 USD |
0.15-0.199kg | 5.26 USD |
0.2-0.249kg | 5.92 USD |
0.25-0.299kg | 6.58 USD |
0.3-0.349kg | 7.24 USD |
0.35-0.399kg | 7.91 USD |
0.4-0.449kg | 8.57 USD |
0.45-0.499kg | 9.23 USD |
0.5-0.549kg | 9.89 USD |
0.55-0.599kg | 10.55 USD |
0.6-0.649kg | 11.21 USD |
0.65-0.699kg | 11.87 USD |
0.7-0.749kg | 12.53 USD |
0.75-0.799kg | 13.19 USD |
0.8-0.849kg | 13.86 USD |
0.85-0.899kg | 14.52 USD |
0.9-0.949kg | 15.18 USD |
0.95-0.999kg | 15.84 USD |
1.00-1.049kg | 16.5 USD |
1.05-1.099kg | 17.16 USD |
1.1-1.149kg | 17.82 USD |
1.15-1.199kg | 18.48 USD |
1.2-1.249kg | 19.14 USD |
1.25-1.299kg | 19.81 USD |
1.3-1.349kg | 20.47 USD |
1.35-1.399kg | 21.13 USD |
1.4-1.449kg | 21.79 USD |
1.45-1.499kg | 22.45 USD |
1.5-1.549kg | 23.11 USD |
1.55-1.599kg | 23.77 USD |
1.6-1.649kg | 24.43 USD |
1.65-1.699kg | 25.1 USD |
1.7-1.749kg | 25.76 USD |
1.75-1.799kg | 26.42 USD |
1.8-1.849kg | 27.08 USD |
1.85-1.899kg | 27.74 USD |
1.9-1.949kg | 28.4 USD |
1.95-2kg | 29.06 USD |
Once the weight of the goods exceeds 2kg, the shipping cost becomes very expensive. To reduce the shipping costs for our customers, our plan is to split goods that exceed 2kg into packages of 2kg plus the remaining weight to avoid increased shipping costs. If the remaining weight exceeds 2kg, it will continue to be split, ensuring that each package does not exceed 2kg. The shipping cost for 2kg is $29.06, with increments of $9.89 for every 0.5kg, $16.5 for 1kg, and $23.11 for 1.5kg, and so on, up to a maximum of 30kg.
The shipping fees listed below apply to the following countries:
0-0.05kg | 4.47 USD |
0.051-0.1kg | 5.5 USD |
0.101-0.15kg | 6.54 USD |
0.151-0.2kg | 7.57 USD |
0.201-0.25kg | 8.6 USD |
0.251-0.3kg | 9.63 USD |
0.301-0.35kg | 10.66 USD |
0.351-0.4kg | 11.7 USD |
0.401-0.45kg | 12.73 USD |
0.451-0.5kg | 13.76 USD |
0.501-0.55kg | 14.79 USD |
0.551-0.6kg | 15.83 USD |
0.601-0.65kg | 16.86 USD |
0.651-0.7kg | 17.89 USD |
0.701-0.75kg | 18.92 USD |
0.751-0.8kg | 19.95 USD |
0.801-0.85kg | 20.99 USD |
0.851-0.9kg | 22.02 USD |
0.901-0.95kg | 23.05 USD |
0.951-1kg | 24.08 USD |
1.001-1.05kg | 25.11 USD |
1.051-1.1kg | 26.15 USD |
1.101–1.15kg | 27.18 USD |
1.151–1.2kg | 28.21 USD |
1.201–1.25kg | 29.24 USD |
1.251–1.3kg | 30.27 USD |
1.301–1.35kg | 31.31 USD |
1.351–1.4kg | 32.34 USD |
1.401–1.45kg | 33.37 USD |
1.451–1.5kg | 34.4 USD |
1.501–1.55kg | 35.43 USD |
1.551–1.6kg | 36.47 USD |
1.601–1.65kg | 37.5 USD |
1.651–1.7kg | 38.53 USD |
1.701–1.75kg | 39.56 USD |
1.751–1.8kg | 40.6 USD |
1.801–1.85kg | 41.63 USD |
1.851–1.9kg | 42.66 USD |
1.901–1.95kg | 43.69 USD |
1.951–2kg | 44.72 USD |